Friday, December 15, 2006

Introducing....The Rogers' Nine

Introductions are always a good place to start, yet I've always had such a hard time introducing myself to anyone. So, here goes nothing...

My name is Scott Rogers. I'm 38 years old, and I live in the beautiful East Tennessee Mountains. (This way, if you don't like me, at least you like mountains, right?)

I've been married to my beautiful bride, Leisa, for the past 16-1/2 years, and we're the proud parents of 7 (yes, SEVEN) truly great kids. They are:

Tyler, age 15. Tyler is pretty creative and likes mechanical things, Particularly, he likes taking things apart to find out how they work, then reassembling them in a manner that makes them work (or not work) in ways other than their intended use. He recently discovered how to make a "taser" from a disposable camera. So, watch out when you meet him, because you're liable to get a "jolt" of a surprise.

Hannah, age 14. Hannah is your all-American teenage girl. She likes horses, four-wheel drive pickup trucks, and country music. She's an accomplished pianist, and surrogate mom to her younger siblings. She, along with her oldest brother, goes about her daily business without complaint. She really has a servant's heart.

Casey, age 12. Casey's my youngest daughter, and in so many ways, will always be my 'little girl'. She seems to always have a bubbly countenance about herself, and is very emotional when the time calls for it. (She cries while watching sad movies, and laughs at appropriate times.) I tease her by telling her that she wears her emotions on her sleeve. (Which she does.)

Caleb, age 9. Caleb is my "middle man", quite literally. He has 3 siblings on either side of him. He's your typical middle child. He tends to stand back and observe, looking for a place to fit in. He's quite affectionate and charming as well.

Jacob, age 5. Jacob is, in so many ways, like his sister Casey. He's affectionate and emotional. At the end of a long and trying day, I so look forward to my daily hug, kiss, and "I love you, Daddy" from him.

Elijah, age 3. Elijah, in a word, is 100% pure, unadulterated energy. From the moment he awakes until the end of the day, he's in high gear. He's very loving/affectionate, but likes to have things his way. He's a challenge, but we're honored that God chose us to be his parents. My mom used to tell me "I hope that out of all your kids, you have one that was like you when you were little." Well, I got that with Elijah.

Josiah, 20 months. Josiah's a bundle of energy & affection. He's still very much a baby, and we aren't eager for him to grow up. It's always joyful to watch him try new things and attempt new words. Each day truly is a new day with him.

We all live in an 1882 two-story farm house at the foot of Clinch Mountain. We're not cramped for space by any means. And there's always rabbits, chickens, and peacocks to take care of outdoors.

We're a primitive, backwoods-type family, and do things the old fashioned way. We heat solely with wood, light our home with oil lamps (but have electricity connected to the home), homeschool our children, and live a very content life. I wouldn't trade my life or anything in it for anything in the world.

So here you have just a small glimpse as to who we are. We aren't anyone special, just a family trying to live for the Lord.

Thank you for allowing me to introduce my family to yours.

Scott Rogers

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