Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Just thought that I'd offer up another small update.

Leisa and I just recently celebrated our 19th anniversary. When I think about it, it doesn't really seem like it's been 19 years at all. In fact, I look back and wonder where the time has gone. It's a very surreal feeling. Time passes by so fast. When I was a boy, I heard the verse from the Bible quoted in church: Life is but a vapor. It appears for a short time, and then vanishes away. I never really understood that verse until now.

Tyler's now acclimated and adjusted to being back home with us. It's so nice to have the whole family back together under the same roof. Tyler had his drill the first weekend that he was home, at which time he was promoted and "handed off" to his unit. He also discovered that his unit will supposedly be deployed in December. I hope that it's just a rumor - however, rumors get started somewhere, so I am very "cautious" about it.

The kids are all healthy and well, and Leisa is also doing good. I am still recovering from the injuries sustained in the May 9 motorcycle accident. It's gotten some easier to deal with, but it could be that I've just gotten used to the way things are. I've had some good days lately, and I've enjoyed them, too.

Spiritually, I need your prayers. I won't go into any detail here, but I covet your prayers deeply, as I need them right now. God knows all about it.
