Thursday, June 18, 2009

It's a time for rejoicing in the Rogers' home tonight! Tyler, our oldest son, returned home around midnight, following an 8am graduation ceremony at Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Md. He left Md. around 2:00pm, and through a series of flights, finally landed in Knoxville around 10:45pm. Leisa and children were there to greet him. Since I'm on "bedrest", I didn't get to go. However, when he returned home, I received a hug that was only reserved for a father. I'm very proud of him, and of his accomplishments. I can now only enjoy the time that I have with him, and pray that his unit doesn't get called into service somewhere overseas. (This is my greatest fear.)

Is it me, or does there always seem to be something going on around here? One catastrophe after another - it never seems to stop. Most of you have already read about the May 9th wreck that I was involved in. Well, I am still dealing with severe injuries related to that. The shattered pelvis doesn't seem to be getting any better, though the fractured left arm does feel better. I had to remove the cast this past Saturday due to uncontrollable swelling in the hand. I return to the orthopedic doctor this Friday at 8:00am to find out what the next course of action is.

I am presently confined to either the bed or the wheelchair - there is no "in between". With my fractured arm, using crutches is out of the question, as is the use of my prosthetic leg due to the crushed pelvis.

The lady who hit me only had the state minimum when it comes to automobile insurance. I believe that our state minimums are: $10,000.00 for property damages, and $25,000.00 for medical coverage. The bills pertaining to medical coverage surpassed the $25k mark within the first 2 weeks following the accident.

And here's the kicker: I received the new artificial leg back in December '08. It was a leg that I could comfortably use and I could walk with it relatively easily. My health insurer will only cover 1 new prosthesis once every 3-5 years. My leg was totaled in the accident, and the cost to replace it is $32,000.00. There isn't enough insurance in the lady's policy to even cover my prosthetic leg. So, I am just out of "luck" when it comes to replacing the leg. I realize that I can't walk on a prosthesis right now, but my pelvis won't be fractured forever! There's coming a day when I'm going to be ready to walk again, and I won't have a leg to walk on when that day arrives.

For most folks, this would be a calamity - total ruination of their existence. For me, this only strengthens my faith in an almighty God. He knows exactly where I'm at. I don't know how He's going to do it, but I know beyond any doubt that He's going to take care of me when it comes to getting a replacement leg to walk on. What other alternative do I have at this point in time?? I could sit down and say "This is it", or I can trust that my God is going to take care of me in a mighty way. I choose to believe the latter.

Without a doubt, every step of the way, God has taken care of our family, and He continues to do so. In past times, I have sat around and worried about this problem or that calamity, but in the end, God always comes through in His perfect timing. So, the way I see it, I can either sit around and worry, or I can trust God to do what He's already going to do -- again, I choose the latter.

Earlier this week, for the first time since the accident, I complained. What I complained about was absolutely redundant. I complained because I'm confined to a wheelchair for the foreseeable future. How stupid is that? Instead of complaining about the wheelchair, I should be praising God that I have such a nice set of wheels to get around in, and I have the ability to propel myself around the house. There are others who are in far worse shape physically than I am. So, I ought to be ashamed for complaining about something to stupid. God has been far better to me than I have been toward Him, so I repent of that right here and now. I have far too much to be thankful for than to be sitting around complaining about my inability to crutch around or walk. God, forgive me!

I heard a sermon which was preached at our church this past Friday night, and it's one that I wish that I'd heard 11 years ago. It sure would have made a major difference in a lot of things. I wish there were some way that I could tell you what the sermon was about, but words are failing me right now. I'll attempt, one day in the future, to sit down and do justice in describing to you the details of that particular sermon. For now, suffice it to say that it is the absolute best sermon that I have heard in many years. (And, I've heard a lot of sermons over the years.)

I want to leave you with a verse that's come to mean a lot to me. Galatians 6:2
Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.

Bye for now.