Monday, April 20, 2009

1 Corinthians 10:13 "There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it."

Philippians 4:19 "
But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus."

I provided the above verses because I wanted to share with you how God's made these verses very real in our lives over the course of time.

For quite some time now, we have been praying about our water situation. It has been real easy to say that our trust has been in God, but it's been really difficult placing those words into practice, especially when you run out of water and have to spend a couple of days per week (minimum) over the course of several months to manually haul water in from an outside source, then the faith wears a might thin over time. Once, a few months ago, as I was praying about our particular plight, it was almost as though the Lord audibly spoke to me and said "Well, do you trust Me or not? Am I not sufficient enough to meet your every need?"

So, I finally reached the point that I should have arrived at long before I actually did: I completely turned everything over to Him, and I left it there.

Shortly after Thanksgiving of 2008, it began raining very hard. Virtually each week since that time, it's rained some - some weeks have brought us more rain than others. Presently it is raining yet again, and we just stand in awe at God's provision. We knew that He would take care of our water needs, we just didn't know how. It remains my sincerest prayer that God will continue to provide us with rain so that we can get through the notoriously dry months without problem. I really don't want to have to haul water yet again this year, but if that is what is demanded of me, then I am ready, albeit reluctantly.

Our life doesn't remain without its problems, but it sure is an awesome feeling to have one major issue seemingly remedied for the time being.

I know that there are some of you out there who have also been praying alongside us regarding the water situation, and I want to offer you the most sincere, heartfelt "Thank you" that I know how to muster. It really is a good feeling know that others out there genuinely and sincerely care about a family they've never met, enough so that you take very valuable time to come together as a family and offer up prayers on our behalf. That is a very humbling feeling for us.

It remains our continued prayer that God will provide as only He can in the area of providing us with a well and with a heating/cooling system. My precious wife, bless her wonderful heart, has nearly reached her physical limit when it comes to being tired of constantly struggling just to stay warm during the winter months, somewhat cool during the summer months, and having the assurance that there's going to be water when she turns on the spigot.

It remains a great source of discouragement, disappointment, and even some depression in knowing that I am totally incapable of providing everything that my family needs. By myself, I am nothing. With God, and with God's people praying for me, then I remain encouraged. I thank each of you for loving me, for loving my family, and for caring enough to lift our names before the Father.

I ask that you continue to remember me in your prayers on a personal level. I'm battling some very harsh inner turmoil at the moment. Satan knows that he can't have my soul, as that has been sealed at Calvary's cross. However, he knows that he can have my peace and joy, and has been working overtime in my life at gaining control over both of those areas. I don't feel bad in confessing this to you, as I know that those of you who truly matter to me, those of you who are truly my friends, will not think any less of me for being so transparently honest with you.

Our only source of income at this time has been the social security disability, which is substantially less than $1,000.00 per month. It doesn't take a NASA scientist to figure out that $1,000.00 per month does not stretch very far when divided amongst 9 people. By the time we pay our essential monthly bills, there's nothing left over to save. (We have, however, been faithful in our tithes and offering, so we know that God honors that.)

Thank y'all for being our friend. We would surely love to hear from some of you - it would do our hearts a world of good to hear from some of the very ones who care for us.

Take care, and God's best to you,
Scott for the Rogers' Tribe