Friday, August 20, 2010

I hope that this installment finds you all well and in good spirits.

Leisa and our 5 youngest children have been in Georgia for the past several weeks, and will continue to remain there until at least Mid-September. Judy Lewis, wife of Leisa's brother Tony, has been diagnosed with Stage 4 Cancer. It began in her uterus, and has spread throughout her thoracic cavity. Poor Judy has really been through the wringer with this dreaded disease, but has remained loyal to her Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus.

Myself, Tyler, and Hannah are still here in East Tennessee. I am planning very soon to sojourn down to Georgia for a brief visit with my family. I miss them so.

During their absence, I am making feeble attempts to do things around the house that have needed finishing for a long time. However, the past 3 weeks have proven to be a living nightmare for me. We have had uncharacteristically bad weather, which results in very heightened/increased levels of unbearable "phantom pains". I would not wish this horrible mess upon even the absolute worst of my enemies, as it truly IS a living nightmare.

Y'all please continue to remember my family and I in your prayers. It has been a very tough/rough 2010, and I am praying that things will soon take a drastic turn for the better.

I love y'all -