Wednesday, September 19, 2012

I wanted to write and share with you what's transpired in our family this week. Please be much in prayer over this.

On Monday, our eldest daughter, Hannah (age 20), called us with what can only be described as literal tormenting pain. She thought that she had kidney stones and that she was having an attack related thereto.
She was taken to the emergency room, where it was discovered that she had a massive 26cm cyst on her right ovary. (That is about the same diameter as a basketball.) Emergency surgery was the only option.
Prior to entering the operating room, she was told that there was a possibility that she would lose both ovaries, as both had substantially large cysts on them, though the left side appeared to "only" be the size of a peach as opposed to a basketball. Hannah was distraught, as she hopes to one day become a mother.
When the doctor opened her up, the trouble with Hannah's reproductive organs was about as bad as it could get without it being cancer. The right ovarian cyst had twisted, cutting off the blood supply to the right ovary, and blood clots had formed. Additionally, when it twisted, it came to rest against her bladder, completely occluding the output side of her bladder - the urethra was pinched closed. Urine had backed up and caused toxins to build up in her system.
The right ovary was removed, but the output side/urethra remained pinched closed. He had to put in a stent in order to restore output.
Her left ovary could not be observed due to the cyst completely encompassing it. He spent 45 minutes cutting and excising the cyst, thus saving her ovary. (Major answer to prayer!)
He then discovered that she had a pretty bad/extensive case of endometriosis. He lifted her uterus up and out, cleaned and cut out the infection, put everything back into place, and closed her up.
She is now out of danger, but in a great deal of physical pain. She's still in the hospital, and will be for the next few days. Leisa will remain here in Georgia with her, while the 3 youngest boys and I will return home to East Tennessee on Thursday or Friday.
Please remember our family in your prayers, and please share this with the members of your fellowship. Specifically, the prayer requests are as follows:
A.) Continued healing of Hannah's body.
B.) That God would use this as a means of drawing Hannah back to Him.
C.) Provision for the unexpected and unplanned financial burden/hardship that this has caused.

Thank you for being there, for loving our family, and for taking us before the Throne of Grace.
Because He lives,
Scotty Rogers
Titus 2: 7-8

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